Shiny Application to Iowa DNR MSIM-SGCN Modeling


Iowa DNR MSIM-SGCN Modeling is a project supported by Iowa Department of Natural Resources, which aims at prioritizing areas of conservation action for Species of Great Conservation Need (SGCN). We applied robust design occupancy model to 69 SGCN and got usable results for 64 of them. 61 of the models have an AUC value greater than 0.5, indicating satisfactory predicting performance. To display the predictive maps in an interactive way, we also developed a web application using R Shiny. This application has been put into use and available to all land managers across Iowa. After introduction to the project, the Shiny App will be demonstrated.

Sep 23, 2016 2:10 PM — 3:00 PM
Ames, Iowa
Annie Lyu
Annie Lyu
Principal Data Scientist

rstats, dataviz, she/her