class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Settle down a Personal Website ## with
and R Blogdown ###
Annie Lyu & Anabelle Laurent
Graphics Group Meeting
2020-04-03 --- # Why a personal website? - Be professional 👔 + [Some advice on managing your online presence - Hadley Wickham]( -- - Autobiography 📖 + [I web, therefore I am. - Yihui Xie]( -- - Learning and Sharing 🔈 + [The unreasonable effectiveness of public work - David Robinson]( + [Becoming an R blogger - Rebecca Barter]( -- - Have fun programming and blogging! 😁 + [Twitter Threads vs Blogging - Yihui Xie]( --- <body> <style type="text/css"> body, html { margin: 0; padding: 0; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; } #content { position:absolute; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; top: 0px; } </style> <div id="content"> <iframe width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" src=""/> </div> </body> --- background-image: url(images/anabelle-website.gif) background-size: 100% background-position: 50% 50% --- class: inverse background-image: url( background-size: 100% background-position: 50% 50% --- # How to get it done? 1. customize your content by modifying a template website -- <span style="color:blue">lots of work</span> 😅 + `install.packages("blogdown")` + `blogdown::install_hugo()` -- 1. custom domain name -- <span style="color:blue">straightforward</span> 😄 + Google Domains (.com, .org, .me) for a cost of $12 per year + Google Analytics (monitor website traffic for free) -- 1. publish with GitHub and Netlify -- <span style="color:blue">somewhat tricky</span> 😣 + tell Netlify to continuously build and deploy your website from source + configure custom domain DNS --- ## RStudio and Website using blogdown New Project `\(\rightarrow\)` New Directory `\(\rightarrow\)` Website using blogdown <center><img src="images/blogdown-new-site.gif" style="width: 100%" /></center> --- ## RStudio and Website using blogdown New Project `\(\rightarrow\)` New Directory `\(\rightarrow\)` Website using blogdown ![](images/start_annote.png) --- background-image: url(images/serve_site.png) background-size: 100% background-position: 50% 50% --- class: inverse ## Your Turn (2min) - Create a new website using the RStudio dialog to set it up in a new project. + pick a [hugo theme]( you like (we'll use hugo-academic as an example) - Live preview a website locally (Addins -> Serve Site). --- ## File structure (VERY IMPORTANT!!!) - configuration: <span style="color:blue">a few site settings to go through</span> + config.toml + config/_default/*.toml `\(\Rightarrow\)` languages, menus, params -- - content: <span style="color:blue">mostly markdown files</span> + home/*.md -- homepage widgets + authors/admin -- your biography + post, talk, project, publication -- your achievements 💯 -- - static: <span style="color:blue">self imported files</span> + images, slides, resume, etc. -- - <mark>**DO NOT TOUCH**</mark>: public, resources, themes --- ## Homepage Widgets (content/home) <center><img src="images/content_folder.png" style="width: 90%" /></center> --- ## Homepage Widgets (content/home) - `active = true`: keep widget; `active = false`: discard widget - `weight` + display order (small weight shows first) + works in the same way for both <span style='color:blue'>homepage widgets</span> and <span style='color:blue'>navigation bar menus</span> For example, `content/home/` ```yaml +++ # Accomplishments widget. widget = "accomplishments" headless = true # This file represents a page section. active = false # Activate this widget? true/false weight = 50 # Order that this section will appear. ``` --- ## Biography (content/authors/admin) - folder name **admin** can be replaced with a customized user name - edit `authors/admin/` to introduce yourself - replace `authors/admin/avatar.jpg` with your profile picture <center><img src="images/authors_admin.png" style="width: 90%" /></center> --- ## Biography (content/authors/admin/ <center><img src="images/authors_admin_index.png" style="width: 80%" /></center> --- ## Resources - icons
- `"<i class="fab fa-r-project"></i>"` versus `"r icon::fa('r-project')"` - [Fontawesome]( ![](images/icons.png) --- class: inverse ## Your turn (2min) - Fill in your information (at least name, organization and role) Optional - Activate/deactivate the sections (widgets) on the homepage - Rearrange the section orders however you like --- ## Create a new R Markdown post (content/post) - use the **New Post** Addin (or run `blogdown::new_post(ext = '.Rmd')`) <center><img src="images/new-post.gif" style="width: 100%" /></center> --- ## Create a new R Markdown post (content/post) <mark>**Do not knit**</mark> your post, instead + use the **Serve Site** Addin to preview your post, or + refresh preview In YAML header, + `draft:TRUE` `\(\Rightarrow\)` preview an R markdown post + `draft:FALSE` `\(\Rightarrow\)` ready to deploy a post --- ## Resources - Highlight (config/_default/params.toml) - [Styles]( <!-- - activate `highlight = true` and write down your style `highlight_style = "arta"` --> ```yaml highlight = true highlight_languages = ["r"] highlight_style = "arta" ``` <center><img src="images/highlight.png" style="width: 100%" /></center> --- ## Resources - Emoji 😎 - `":sunglasses:"` versus `"r emo::ji('sunglasses')"` - [Cheat sheet]( ![](images/emoji.png) --- ## Resources - Shortcodes - [Hugo's Build-in Shortcodes]( - `{{< youtube CjTLN-FXiFA >}}` <center><iframe width="680" height="383" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></center> --- ## Import files (static) For image not created from your R Markdown file, you should + add image to the `static/img` folder + insert your image using `![alternate-text](img/xx.png)` -- Any files in the `static` folder can be referred using similar relative path! -- Follow the following steps to link your resume to the navigation bar: 1. add your resume to the `static/files` folder 1. Specify the URL to your resume in `config/_default/menus.toml` ```yaml [[main]] name = "Resume" # displayed text url = "files/resume.pdf" weight = 70 ``` --- ## About hyperlink - relative path will be after your domain name (e.g., ``), + homepage section (widget): `[text](#posts)` + tags: `[text](tags/rstats)` + categories `[text](categories/r)` -- - DO NOT leave out prefix `https://` when directing visitor to external webpages. -- - Recommended practice for generating permanent links in `config.toml` + `slug` serves as a short page ID + URL won't change as you move around or rename file/folder ```yaml # Rules to generate permanent links of your pages [permalinks] post = "/:year/:month/:day/:slug/" publication = "/publication/:slug/" talk = "/talk/:slug/" ``` --- ## Create a new publication (content/publication) <center><img src="images/publication.png" style="width: 90%" /></center> --- ## Create a new publication (content/publication) Per publication folder, you need + a Markdown file `` + an optional featured image `featured.png` + an optinal citation `cite.bib` <center><img src="images/publication_markdown.png" style="width: 90%" /></center> --- class: inverse ## Your Turn (2min) - Create a "hello world" post - Preview your post Optional - Try inserting + code chunk + emoji + icon + image + hyperlink to internal pages --- ## Additional Site configurations - `config/_default/params.toml` + your contact information (if you activate `content/home/`) + site name and description `\(\rightarrow\)` `title` and `description` + custom domain and Google analytics `\(\rightarrow\)` `baseurl` and `google_analytics` + active comments `\(\rightarrow\)` `comments` - `config.toml` + enable emoji `\(\rightarrow\)` `enableEmoji = true` + activate Chinese/Japanese/Korean languages `\(\rightarrow\)` `hasCJKLanguage = true` --- ## Deploy with Netlify and GitHub - Push your repository to [GitHub]( + can be private and ignore the `public` folder -- <center><img src="images/netlify-deploy.gif" style="width: 100%" /></center> --- class: middle, center ## Thank you
<center><img src="images/pod.png" style="width: 90%" /></center> I get out of my pod 😆 --- count: false class: middle, center, inverse ## Appendix --- count: false ## Resources - citation - use **bibtex** format. Open `cite.bib` on **BibDesk** <center><img src="images/BibDesk.png" style="width: 90%" /></center> --- count: false ## Public GitHub Repositories of Blogdown Website - [Yihui Xie]( - [Alison Hill]( - [Amber Thomas]( - [Annie Lyu](